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offers information for the anesthesiologist assistant profession including education links, job resources, book recommendations, message
board, anesthesia directory and more.
- Offers information regarding the Anesthesia Technician, Certified Anesthesia Technician, Certified Anesthesia Technologist professions,
find Anesthesia Technician salaries, Anesthesia Technician jobs and
- offers real information for real people. Providing credible
informative articles including medicine, health, anesthesiologist
assistant program information and more...with the ultimate goal of
improving quality of life.
Austrian Anesthesia Server - for anaesthetists, anesthesia-related themes, scientific information and links.
UK Society for Intravenous Anaesthesia, The (SIVA UK) - information, education, and debate.
ASA Closed Claims Project
Mining Co: Anesthesiology - for public and professional education with links, chat, bulletin board, and newsletter.
Irish Anaesthetic Exams -
training site for the Irish FCARCSI examinations, both primary and
final. Provides practical exam advice and practice questions.
Utopian Surgery - offering arguments against anaesthesia in surgery, dentistry, and childbirth.
International Congress of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology - Respiratory Support on
the Edge of the 21st Century. September 18-20, 2001. Also in Russian.
Gulf Atlantic Anesthesiology Resident's Research Conference - features conference information, sponsorship information, anesthesia directory and registration process. April 27-29, 2001.
GASNet Anesthesiology - Global Anesthesiology Server Network
Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook, The - presents notes, abstracts, societies, research, and
discussion of professional, patient, and scientific issues.
Swiss Anaesthesia Server - includes information on anaesthesia and intensive care.
Anaesthesia Research Trust -
The Anaesthesia Research Trust is a registered charity set up to
promote interest amongst anaesthetic trainees in the concept of research
as a tool to improve patient management, whether this is through
clinical or basic science techniques. We aim to link anaesthetists
across the country who have an interest in research with those who can
provide projects. We also offer general help and advice on research
issues, as well as training on the research process. Our flagship
meeting is the National Anaesthesia Research Meeting. The meeting is
very informal and non-threatening to juniors. This aims to get away from
some of the other more august societies in tenor.
Australasian Anaesthesia Server
Mexican Anesthesiology Network - site for acquire anesthesia topics and publishing.
Anaesthesia UK - training site for anaesthetists, offering practice examination questions and online tutorials.
WAIS- The Worldwide Anaesthesia Info Server -
provides resources for anesthesiologists with articles relating to
local and general anaesthetic, slides, and video clips from AstraZeneca

American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
California Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists -
contact information for MIANA leadership and Michigan congressional
representatives, bylaws, and anesthesia-related links of interest to
CRNAs and students.
Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists (FANA) -
represents and promotes CRNAs, nursing, medical professions, hospitals,
and healthcare facilities interested in the practice of anesthesia.
North Carolina Association of Nurse Anesthetists - representing the Certified Nurse Anesthetist in North Carolina; current issues, education, and information.
Kansas Association of Nurse Anesthetists - information about the practice of nurse anesthetists in the state of Kansas.
Alabama Association of Nurse Anesthetists - representing members and student members of the nurse anesthesia field in Alabama with sections for patients and students.
Oklahoma Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Ohio State Association of Nurse Anesthetists
New England Assembly of Nurse Anesthetists - educational site including information on meetings
- -
Welcome to the Anesthetist Forum! Find Anesthesiologist Assistant
topics, AA discussions, Anesthesia resources from Nova, Emory, Case,
South University and University of Missouri.
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A. G. Hooley State Hospital - A.G. Holley Hospital
serves as Florida's only public health hospital. It is dedicated
primarily to the cure of tuberculosis (TB) and is an integral part of
the Department of Health, Division of Disease Control, TB Control Program. Complete Hospital Profile
All Childrens Hospital - All
Children's Hospital is a leading center for pediatric treatment,
education and research. All Children's provides specialized care for
children of all ages, from newborns through teens. All Childrens
Hospital, Complete Hospital Profile
Atlantic Shores Hospital - Atlantic
Shores Hospital is a private, free standing Psychiatric and Substance
Abuse Hospital located in the heart of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida minutes
from the renowned beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. Complete Hospital Profile
Aventura Hospital - Aventura
Hospital and Medical Center is a 407-bed acute care medical/surgical
facility, providing award-winning inpatient and outpatient diagnostic,
medical, surgical and cancer services to the communities of northeast
Miami-Dade and southeast Broward counties since 1965. Staffed by more
than 750 physicians representing over 50 specialties and 1,300
employees, the hospital meets the healthcare needs of its neighboring
communities through continuous program enhancement and service
excellence. Complete Hospital Profile
Baptist Hospital of Miami - Baptist
Health South Florida is the largest not-for-profit health care
organization in the region. Affiliates of the Baptist Health include
Baptist Hospital of Miami, Baptist Children's Hospital, South Miami
Hospital, Homestead Hospital, Mariners Hospital, Doctors Hospital and
Baptist Cardiac & Vascular Institute. Baptist Health also offers a
variety of health care services, such as outpatient diagnostic and
treatment facilities and home health care. Complete Hospital Profile
Broward General Hospital - The North Broward Hospital District is one of the five largest public healthcare systems in the nation. Providing
service since 1938, NBHD is a nonprofit community health system
offering a full spectrum of healthcare services. The District
encompasses more than 30 healthcare facilities including Broward General Medical Center, North Broward Medical Center, Imperial Point Medical Center, Coral Springs Medical Center, Weston Regional HealthPark and the Chris Evert Children's Hospital at Broward General. The District is a medical safety net for Broward County residents. Complete Hospital Profile
Cedars Medical Center - Cedars Medical Center is located in the heart of Miami Florida, USA. We are an accredited 560-bed, full service hospital that provides acute care and private rooms for all patients. Cedars is committed to education and success. We remain true to our mission, patients and the community. Please click here for the privacy statement. Complete Hospital Profile
Cleveland Clinic Florida - Cleveland
Clinic Florida is a not-for-profit, multispecialty group practice
dedicated to providing outstanding, state-of-the-art medical care.
Continuing the world-renowned tradition of The Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland Clinic Florida physicians excel at the diagnosis and treatment
of medical problems that are complex or difficult to treat. Complete Hospital Profile
Jackson Memorial Hospital -
Jackson Memorial Hospital is an accredited, non-profit, tertiary care
hospital and the major teaching facility for the University of Miami
School of Medicine. With 1,498 licensed beds, Jackson Memorial
Hospital's many roles in South Florida include: being a regional
referral center, a magnet for medical research and innovation and the
only full-service provider for the uninsured and medically indigent in
Miami-Dade County. Complete Hospital Profile
Memorial Regional Hospital - Memorial
Regional Hospital is one of Florida's largest and most sophisticated
hospitals. Located in Hollywood, this hospital opened in 1953 and has
been an integral part of the community ever since. We offer an extensive
scope of services -- complemented by a highly qualified medical staff
representing a full range of medical and surgical specialties. Complete Hospital Profile
Stanford University - Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Walter Reed Army Medical Center -
provides complete anesthesia services at WRAMC and supports a residency
program, an anesthesia nursing program, military anesthesia research,
and the missions of the U.S. Army.
Alfred, The - conducts a variety of research trials and clinical research activities.
Ottawa General Hospital - found on anesthesia directory . com!
Anesthesiologist Assistant Jobs - find AA
staffing opportunities. Submit CV/ Resume and when a job becomes
available in the area of choice, the AA will be immediately notified...
Anesthesia Technician Jobs, Anesthesia Technician Salaries
Anesthesiologist Jobs -
Anesthesiologist jobs for assistants, Find anesthesiologist assistants
for Anesthesiologist group jobs! Post your Anesthesiologist Job needs
and expand your practice today!
AA Job Search - Welcome to Your portal to Find AAs, Post AA resumes, AA CVs, Register Now! - listings of anesthesiologists and CRNAs.
Five Star Anesthetists, Inc. - nurse anesthetist (CRNA) recruitment agency providing temporary and permanent placement.
Premier Anesthesia - offering anesthesia practice staffing and management for hospitals, physicians, and CRNAs. -
Welcome to CRNA Job Search, Find CRNA Jobs, Anesthetist Jobs, Nurse
Anesthetist Jobs, Anesthesiologist Assistant Jobs and more. - job board for certified registered nurse anesthetists from a full-service CRNA recruitment agency.
Anesthesiology Journal, The - journal of The American Society of Anesthesiology. Browsable table of contents and search index of abstracts.
Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology - peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal directed to an audience of neurosurgical anesthesiologists.
Thai Journal of Anesthesiology
Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States - dedicated to dispersing information to physicians and hospitals about malignant hyperthermia and to providing a hotline.
Anesthesiology: Malignant Hyperthermia -
inherited myopathy characterized by a hypermetabolic state which is
triggered when the patient is exposed to some anesthetic agents.
Malignant Hyperthermia Tutorial - created by the Department of Anaesthesia, University of Basel, Switzerland.
- CRNA Salary -Certified Registered nurse Anesthetist Salary Information. information about and for nurse anesthetists.
Anesthesia, Nursing, and Medicine Page - information about and for nurse anesthetists.
Web Directory: Perianesthesia Nursing - collection of categorized links of interest to perianesthesia nurses.
American Society of Anesthesiologists -
an educational and professional association of physicians. Site
provides patient education materials and membership information.
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine - provides information, meeting schedules, newsletters, and fellowship listings.
Canadian Anaesthetists' Society -
CAS' mission is to dedicate itself to the advancement of the medical
practice of anaesthesia through academic endeavor and excellence in
patient care.
American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists
American Board of Anesthesiology, The (ABA) -
offering examinations to certify physicians in primary certification,
recertification and two subspecialties - critical care medicine and pain
management. Also find anesthesia directory.
Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia - for patients and professionals involved with office-based, free-standing and hospital-based ambulatory anesthesia.
Society for Pediatric Anesthesia - advancing the study of pediatric anesthesia and contributing to its growth and influence.
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland - offers news, details of events and publications, gift shop, and more.
Australian Society of Anaesthetists - includes public and member information, including links to the Harry Daly Museum, and the Society journal.
Society for Computing and Technology in Anaesthesia
New York State Society of Anesthesiologists -
information on NYSSA and the practice of anesthesia, the annual
Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology, and medical society business in
the State of New York.
European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA) - information of the society and its scientific activities.
American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists - board-certifying association of veterinary anesthesiologists.
British Ophthalmic Anaesthesia Society - organization
of anaesthetists, ophthalmologists and other clinicians involved in
anaesthetic management during ophthalmic surgery.
Israel Society of Anesthesiologists
Anesthesia Associates of Richmond, Inc. - provides patients with knowledge about anesthesia in order to qualm fears and answer questions prior to surgery.
Nova Southeastern University
Case Western Reserve University
South University
University of Florida
University of Miami
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Cukurova University, Turkey
University of Pittsburgh
University of Rochester
University of Alabama
University of Berne -
offers information about the department, services for patients and
employees, makes communication with the staff members possible.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Michigan
Bowman Gray School of Medicine
University of Dundee - Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Scotland.
University of Arizona
Columbia University
University of California - Los Angeles
University of Chicago
Stanford University
University of California - Irvine - includes online residency brochure, research efforts, lecture handouts, job listings, and general patient information.
University of Vienna
University of California - San Francisco
University of Saarland at Homburg/Saar
University of Texas - Medical Branch
Virginia Commonwealth University
University of Puerto Rico -
provides information about the department, residency program,
conference schedules, medical information, and related sites of
University of Cincinnati - Dedicated to providing the highest level of professional training and patient care.
University of Nottingham - details of staff members, research interests, and a link to the Nottingham Anaesthesia Review Database.
University of Southern California - strong clinical commitments at four neighboring hospitals, in addition to new and expanding research activities.
University of California, San Diego
University of Pennsylvania
Adelaide University
University of Maryland - Baltimore
Pennsylvania State University - Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Department of Anesthesiology
University of Colorado at Denver
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
University of Kentucky -
providing trainees with the skills and attitudes necessary to adapt to
technologic advances and the changing environment of medical care.
University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Monash University
University of Köln
University of Utah
Royal College of Anaesthetists UK
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) - information
and resources for anaesthetists, intensive care practitioners and
specialists in pain management in Australia, New Zealand and South East
Anesthesia & Critical Care Medicine on the Internet - many resources and sites about search engines, departments of anesthesia, critical care & emergency medicine.
Anesthesia Technician and Anesthesiologist Assistant Information
Canadian Anesthesia List
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Excite - provides search, news, email, personals, portfolio tracking, and other great services.
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- AltaVista - featuring web and newsgroup search engine as well as paid submission services.
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- LookSmart -
provider of commercial search listings products and graphical
advertising products that help businesses generate cost-effective sales
- Open Directory Project (DMOZ)
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extensive network of sites by subject specialists who write articles,
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MSN search engine, searching sources including the Web, MSN's Encarta
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- Netscape Search - combines results from the Netcenter, Open Directory, and the Web.
- Google Directory -
Google's human-edited directory, organizing the web into topics and
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Also find anesthesia directory...
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- Librarians' Index to the Internet - librarian selected and annotated index to the Internet, updated weekly.
- Wikipedia - the free online encyclopedia.

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